Something guys don’t normally have a problem with, biggin up their chests!!
Haha I’m just jesting you buttercups!! But all jokes aside…
This is a regular complaint for those fighters that have a strong guarded stance and a gruelling training schedule.
Kyphosis can be a postural or genetic deformity of the thoracic vertebrae.
Either way, it can be corrected or improved by exercises which increases postural awareness, corrects alignment and increases mobility and strength to the area.
I must also state that there are varying degrees of kyphosis, some of which will need medical attention and supervision. For those with a lesser degree, yoga can help.
It is basically the hunching forward of the shoulders, that leaves an accentuated curve to the upper back and neck, which can cause pain and stiffness. This pain and stiffness can lead to a worsening of the condition, due to the compensation of a particular weakness.
The chest and neck starts to feel like its closing into yourself. Not only does this lead to bad posture and loss of flexibility in the area, breathing can be effected by less space for the lungs to expand with a closed chest.
Its easy to see how this has happened, because your training consists
of using this defence stance in particular for a long period of
training to guard your own body as defence.
Guess its time to BIG UP DA CHEST, for real!!
If you don’t counter balance this posture, your muscles will grow and become strong to this shape which causes future postural problems and a lack of flexibility and mobility to the upper back, amongst other problems including shoulders, neck, core and breathing.
To counterbalance the guarded stance and correct kyphosis, any posture that squeezes the shoulder blades together, extends the cervical backwards, raises the chest and increases length between the navel and rib cage should be practiced regularly.
Here is a simple yoga posture that you can perform on a regular basis to help. I would recommend everyday, maybe twice a day, or at a minimum, every time you train. Just a few in and outs is fine.
Start off standing on the knees with the toes tucked under (feet and knees are no more than hip width apart) and head looking straight ahead. Please note, this image shows the feet relaxed, as a beginner, start with the toes tucked under.
Hands are at the chest in prayer position, with attention to shoulders being away from the ears.
Keep the hips and thighs in line with the knees, Inhale then start to
stretch the lower back and drop the head behind by extending the neck
Bring the right hand by your side, then behind to the right ankle, then place the left hand by the side, and behind to the left ankle.
Keep pushing the hips forward so the hips, thighs and knees stay in line. This will also increase the back and quads stretch.
Focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together, and the length between the navel and ribcage which opens the chest and allows maximum lung capacity.
Also you will notice, as the head is dropped behind, the neck is stretched in the opposite direction to that of a guarded stance.
Keep relaxed and concentrate on deep breathing, longer exhales to ease tension and allow maximum stretching.
Breathe deeply and hold this posture for as long as possible, at least a few breaths to start with.
To return to an upright position, simply inhale, release the hands
and bring them back into prayer position at the chest and look straight
Repeat a few times.
You may get light headed if you are a beginner, because of the dropping of the head backwards. If this is the case, you can rest your forehead to the floor whilst sitting on the heels in between posture.
Limited Flexibility Option
If you have difficulty reaching the ankles you can alternate single hands to the ankles to start with.
Start off with the right hand to the right ankle, squeeze the
shoulder blades together, bring the left and as far back towards the
left ankle as you can.
Then Inhale and come up, repeat to the left side.
Finish by sitting on the heels, with the forehead to the floor.
Very Limited Flexibility Option
If you still can’t reach either ankle, work on a simple movement of shifting the weight back and forwards whilst your hands are in prayer position to the chest. This will increase combined strength and flexibility to the abdominals and back.
Start off with hands in prayer to the chest.
Inhale shift the weight back, hold for a few breathes.
To come out, inhale, shift the weight forward and on the exhale, release the hands from prayer position to your side.
Finish by sitting on the heels, with the forehead to the floor.
Then repeat.
Things to remember whilst in posture:-
- Squeeze the shoulder blades together.
- Keep the shoulders away from the ears to lengthen the cervical
. - Allow the head to drop behind, don’t strain the neck by looking up.
- Shift the weight shifting forward in the hips by pushing forward in
the thighs, to stretch the quads and extend lower back stretch.
- Keep hips and knees in line.
- Lengthen the space between the navel and rib cage by lifting the chest.
- Breathe deeply for better stretching.
- Come out when you feel you need to.
I would also recommend you combine this posture with Upward Facing
Dog and Downward Facing Dog Pose for maximum benefit. These are included
in my blog, YouTube tutorials and Yoga For Fighter e-book.
If you haven’t downloaded it yet, DO IT!!
If you haven’t downloaded it yet, DO IT!!
I have been asked if there will be a Yoga For Fighters Part 2… yes there will be!!
Your never too big to get biggin, with chest expansion yoga exercises!!
Start today!
Peace Out
Jo xx
Source : Jo Prakash Yoga
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