Saturday 10 February 2018

People with scoliosis can exercise


Carefully tailored program can improve strength, function and endurance

Some of the clients I work with have scoliosis, an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. If you look at the back of someone with scoliosis, you'll notice their spine curves to one side. The angle of the curve can be barely noticeable or it can be quite pronounced. Typically, the shape of the curve will look either like a "C" or an "S." If scoliosis is suspected upon examination, further investigation (including X-rays or other diagnostic imaging) will be ordered by a medical professional to confirm the diagnosis.

After someone has been diagnosed with scoliosis, they are presented with options on how to best manage their condition and the symptoms that come with it. Typically, these will include uneven musculature and strength, difficulty breathing and mild to moderate back pain. Exercise is usually included as a treatment option and, from my perspective, a client with scoliosis who has been cleared to work out should be most concerned with improving their level of function and building strength and endurance in a way that isn't causing more pain or dysfunction. It is also important to recognize that while strength and conditioning exercises can help to improve daily life and overall fitness, it is not intended to be a cure for the condition.

I approach designing a functional fitness program for someone with scoliosis as I would any other client. I choose exercises based on the different types of human movement — upper body pushing and pulling, lower body "level changes," core rotation and locomotion (movement from one point to another). Rather than following the bodybuilding model of working on isolated muscles, I like clients to engage in movements that involve many muscles and also move them in ways that mimic what they would do in everyday life. Think of the way you move when you shovel snow, carry groceries or even place a baby in a car seat and you'll have an idea of the kinds of movements I am referring to.

The point is that physical activity should not be avoided; it should be planned in a thoughtful, meaningful way. Some types of exercise and some movements should be avoided, some should be emphasized and some should be considered as "proceed with caution" after some trial and error.

"Scoliosis specific" exercises are corrective movements designed specifically to reduce or stabilize scoliosis curvatures. They should only be done when prescribed and supervised by a qualified rehabilitation specialist such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor. Fitness trainers and medical exercise specialists are not qualified to administer these corrective exercises.

There are a few rules I would apply to the workout program for a client with scoliosis who has been cleared to exercise:

• avoid loading the spine with a weighted bar across the shoulders, as in barbell squats;

• avoid backwards bending movements like you would do in yoga lying on your stomach;

• avoid extreme twisting or rotating at the waist.

Here are the movements I would add to a program for someone with scoliosis:

• core stabilization moves like planking, the "Bird Dog" and hip bridges (if tolerated);

• unilateral strength training moves to ensure equal strength building on both sides of the body;

• single leg body weight exercises to build strength and stability without the need for loading with extra weight.

Here is what a typical workout session might look like:

Warmup with marching and arm swings for five minutes. Stretch the chest, back, hamstrings and thighs.

Complete 10 to15 repetitions of each of the following exercises:


•Single arm band rowing;

•"Drawing the Sword" dumbbell raises;

•Anti-rotation resistance band exercise;

•Single leg anterior reaches;

•Forearm plank for 30 to 60 seconds;

•Bird dog;

•Hip bridges.

Repeat three times and conclude with 10 to 20 minutes of low-impact cardio exercise of your choice.

Medical exercise specialist Ernie Schramayr helps his clients manage medical conditions with exercise.

You can follow him at erniesfitnessworld.com; 905-741-7532 or erniesfitnessworld@gmail.com.

Source : The Hamilton Spectator , 23rd Jan 2018

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